Jay Brabant’s Biography

Born in Victoria BC 1970~ Metis~ Jay started to carve at the age of eight under the tutelage of his father Gene Brabant who was taught by John Livingstone and Tony Hunt at Arts of The Raven Program in the early ‘70s..

Jay works with wood, metal, shell and paper. His primary medium is red and yellow cedar, along with alder and spruce. Jay has been trained in the Kwakwaka’wakw style but he often works in classical Nuxalk or Bella Coola, Tlingit and Haida styles. He has been taught the traditional/ proper shapes and form-lines that define historical properties and stories of the pieces with respect and dignity in great detail. He primarily carves original Northwest Coast Indian Art and is occasionally commissioned for art pieces of historic master works. He has traveled extensively to visit museums and study older pieces.

Jay, like his father Gene, has often chosen to work on the perimeters of the market although he has been included in many exhibitions and is represented in many private and corporate collections.

Jay continues to produce a variety of Totem Poles, Masks, Rattles, Bentwood Boxes etc. and his works are featured in fine galleries such as, Quintana Gallery, The Douglas Reynolds, Stonington, Coghlan Arts, The Inuit, The Spirit Wrestler, Coastal Peoples, The Black Tusk Gallery, The Indigena Gallery, as well as the hard covered book Northwest Coast Carving Traditions by Karen and Ralph Norris, and has been featured in many editions of the North American Indian Art Magazine.